WildZests: December 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Pozu turns Five!

As a kid, I used to feel that time goes so slow and it'd be good if we could get a time machine to become older quickly. Now, as a parent, I feel that Pozu's growing up at so fast that we need some way to slow things down and enjoy her naughty childhood a little more. I'm sure she wouldn't be happy if I told her that!


She turned five last week and this time her birthday party was very different than all the earlier years. For a start, she now knows what to expect on a birthday party and could tell us what she'd like to do for her party. It was our first real birthday party for the kids, all the earlier ones were all focused on adults and it used to be a get together for our friends more than hers. Also, this time Gozu was quite keen on doing it at the clubhouse rather than at home so that there's enough place for the kids to monkey around (it turned out to be a very good idea). The only thing that I hadn't anticipated was the amount of work that was needed to organize the event, and that meant that I was running around until the party started. But in the end it was all worth the effort.

Gozu had baked a special cake for her which she cut as the first birthday cake of the day before going to school. She was so excited about celebrating her birthday with friends in school that she distributed all her chocolates right in the school bus and later realized that she didn't have any left for her classmates. Poor thing, I should have given her the spare packet of chocolates that was kept at home. Note to self - next time, give her more than double of what's required for the bus and her class!


Pozu had given me a list of some 20+ friends she wanted to invite for her birthday and surprisingly we had more than 80% of the kiddies turn up for the party. The fun started right at 6PM as kids started coming in and soon the whole place had transformed into a madhouse with the birthday trumpets. Gozu and Shalu had arranged for some games for the kids and that kept them happily busy for a while until it was time to cut the cake. Pozu had specified that she wanted to have an elephant cake - in line with her "I'm Pozu - the elephant" statement. Some of her friends wanted to smash some cake on her face, but that led to some loud crying and that mission was aborted.


After the cake cutting, the kids knew that it was time for the party to get over. That marked the beginning of the destruction and all the kids got busy in taking down the balloons and the decoration. This was a new revelation for me since I hadn't seen this stage of the birthday party before. But in the end everyone went home with a happy and smiling face, that's what matters!